Private Swaps

Anonymous Crypto Swaps, No KYC. Now Supporting Over 900 Coins.

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Why Choose PrivateSwaps?

900+ coins icon

Over 900 Coins

Choose from a massive variety of cryptocurrencies for your swaps.

No KYC icon

No KYC Required

Enjoy complete privacy; no identity checks or account creation needed.

Fast swaps icon

Fast Swaps

Experience quick, reliable exchanges with minimal wait times.

Secure icon

Secure & Anonymous

We never store personal data, so you stay in control of your privacy.

Start Your Swap

Select your coin pairs and swap instantly. It’s that simple.

Most swaps complete in 5–10 minutes, but they can take up to an hour if the network is busy. Thank you for your patience!

Boost your security with our Telegram bot, Crypto Swapper. Experience all your swaps fortified with an extra layer of encryption!